Stitch - verb 1a : to fasten, join, or close with or as if with stitches <stitched a seam> b : to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with stitches
Fe·tish noun 1 a : an object believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossessionc : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression 2: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers 3: fixation
Stitch Fetish, explores art of the stitch (a rite unto itself), revealing the fetishized secrets lurking in the minds of the artists. Stitched works of erotica and titillation, dark fantasy and longing, of secrets never told, but long desired and works exploring sexuality, gender, and the intersection where the two find a happy (and often kinky) home is Stitch Fetish.
Artists are encouraged to submit works dealing with erotica, fetish, sex, and sexuality. Feel free to interpret this theme widely. All types of stitched work are welcome for submission: knitting, crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, cross-stitch, quilting, appliqué… If it’s stitched, please submit. Please note we are looking for contemporary interpretations of theme and medium.
ELIGIBILITY: Artists over 18 are eligible. Work can utilize any medium but must primarily use stitch (or fiber). Works should be no larger than 20”x20” framed (unless you contact me specifically). Works must be wall mountable and ready to hang, or, for sculptural pieces, no bigger than 24" at their largest dimension (again, can contact me specifically to discuss exceptions). Work must be original and created after 2016. All work must be available for sale for the run of the show (gallery takes 50% commission of all sales).
By submitting to the show, the artist agrees that all entered work will be available for exhibition if chosen.
And most important part, stay healthy and safe!
DEADLINE: February 21th, 2022 Submit by email to: schindermania (at) gmail {dot} com. Entries must be emailed by February 21th, 2022.
There is an $25 submission fee, 3 works per entry - with a maximum of 1 detail per work.
Images must be correctly sized -72 dip, largest dimension 8 inches MAX, jpeg only. ZIPPED FILES WILL NOT BE OPENED.
Please label images with artist's name and title of work (eg: "luis_martinez_erotic_embroidery").
Please include all work details including title, dimensions (if framed, please do not send unframed measurements only), medium, materials, date, and price, your name (and if you show under another name as an artist), email address, website, ig, and/or blog url.
Pay submission fee ($25) via the paypal button: